T = time in ticks/1000 (milliticks, eg. 0001 = 0.001 tick) % = percent (eg 0=0%, 80=100%, FE=~254%) F = fade speed (1/32 per sample)
# Nr | Name/Description | Effect Parameters | Parameter Description |
01 | Delay Trig | TTTT | T = Time until triggering |
02 | Re(peated)Trig | NTTT | N = Number of times to retrig T = Time before next triggering |
03 | Temporary Volume Shift | %%%% | % = Amount of original volume |
04 | Volume Up (fade) | FFFF | F = Fade up speed |
05 | Volume Down (fade) | FFFF | F = Fade down speed |
06 | Temporary Pitch Shift | %%%% | % = Amount of original pitch |
07 | Pitch Up (fade) | FFFF | F = Fade up speed |
08 | Pitch Down (fade) | FFFF | F = Fade down speed |
09 | Backward / Reverse | none | |
0A | Stop NOW | none | Stops sample playback on channel |
0B | Stop After... | TTTT | T = Time until samples are stopped |
0C | Sample Offset | PPPP | P = Sample to jump to (divided by 8) |
0D | Nudge Sample | DDDD | D = Samples to nudge, 0000 = -100%, 4000 = 0%, 8000 = +100% |
0E | Reverse Play Direction | none | Flips playing direction, |
10 | Rush | NNTT | N = Number of ticks to rush T = TriggerCount*16 per Tick |
21 | "Dahlstr÷m 2" | TTTT | T = BackStep value Samples are played as usual, after T ticks it goes back T/2 ticks and repeats... (weird effect) |
the drumkit format is pretty easy, it is simply a header telling us how many drums there are and each drum has its own little header telling us wich class it should go under, and then the wavedata follows in signed short (2bytes) data... (16Bit, 44100Hz, Mono) if you are more interested in the drumkit format, if you┤re going to write a fancy rebirth-ripper or something, throw me an email an AXS drumkit converter will be available on my homepage a couple of weeks after releasing this. if you have made your own drumkit wich you┤re going to use in a song you┤re about to distribute, simply check the "store drumkit in song"-checkbox and the drumkit will be saved in your buzz file, then whoever downloaded your song can simply choose "Save Drumkit" in the menu and *kabam* he/she has the same drumkit :) the drumkit manager dont check if the .wav file is a real wavefile it just skips the header and stores the wavedata (wow!) so be sure your wavefiles are uncompressed 16bit mono files. and please, try not to use too strange characters in the filename or drumkit name! |
buzz MAY crash if you is loading a sample into a slot that is playing in the wavetable section... buzz MIGHT get greedy and take all cpu, then it goes down, this bug might be fixed. the effect parameter setup may suck, but as soon as you learn them they are quite nice... |